Blackheads on the nose how to get rid of them.?

blackheads on the nose

Blackheads nose are very trouble some in everyday life. But how to get rid of them without the risk of infections and marks. Read this article in its entirety for additional information.

Avoid fiddling with your blackheads with your fingers

It’s true that you want to fiddle with your blackheads as soon as you see them in the mirror in the morning. But, be aware that this is a bad idea. The more you have the annoying habit of fiddling with your blackheads, the greater your risk of infection. Blackheads can easily turn into a pimple. This is why it is important to carry out regular treatments to clean the skin.

Gently cleanse your skin

It is not necessary to strip the skin in order to eliminate blackheads on the nose. Dermatologists always advise not to attack the epidermis. This is why it is necessary to favor extra gentle cleansing products. To soothe the skin, simply spray floral water all over your face. This gently awakens and tones the skin.

Take a steam bath

What could be more normal than a steam bath to open the pores and get rid of toxins. This technique will make it easier to remove blackheads on the nose. To make a homemade facial steam bath, just heat two liters of water and add fresh mint leaves. After the water boils, the leaves should be added, simmered and infused for a few minutes. Then, pour the hot water into a bowl, adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil. With purifying properties, this solution purifies the epidermis.

For its application: just put your face about thirty centimeters from the salad bowl and cover your head with a towel. Then, you have to use a tissue by pressing gently on your nose to extract the blackheads from their hiding place! Finally, apply an antiseptic solution to avoid any risk of infection.

Make face masks

It is very important to pamper your facial skin with face masks. Of course, the masks make it possible to find a supple, cleansed, radiant and clear skin. It is very important to exfoliate your skin twice a week and make sure to moisturize it daily. You have the possibility to make your homemade scrub quickly and inexpensively. For this, you have to mix fine white sugar, the juice of a lemon, a spoon of an apricot, a drop of tea tree essential oil. Then, it is necessary to perform small facial massages by making movements in a circle. Finally, you must rinse your face carefully before moving on to the next step (the mask). In a container, it is necessary to make the mixture of clay, essential oil tea tree, a spoon of honey, drops of grapefruit seed extract. It is important to mix the ingredients well in order to obtain a homogeneous paste and leave for 20 minutes on the face for a satisfactory result. Finally, rinse and moisturize the face with a moisturizer suitable for your skin.

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